Search engine optimization is very important if you want to get traffic from search engines. Other fact is that 70% of web searches only look in the first page of the search list. So if you're not in the first page. You definitely going to miss many numbers of visitors to your website/blog

Here I will give you the top 10 seo mistakes that people made. Read this post not once but twice and don’t try but don’t do these mistakes again.

1. When targeting keywords use keywords that people may search. Do some researches before selecting keywords. Keywords can break or make your website.

2. Nowadays leaving . It not only works as keywords. But it's what the people see when your site appears in the search results page.

3. Flash might be attractive but flash website without html alternative you're no more. :( provide an html version of it. A search engine spider can't read flash so it can't index it.

4. We know that JavaScript Menus for navigation is good for the design but you must understand that spiders don't index them. So if you're having JavaScript menus consider build a sitemap

5. seo maintenance is important. Don’t think that once you optimize your site, it is optimized forever. If you want to be successful you must look at the SEO in a regular basis.

6. Most people think that SEO is all about Meta keywords and Meta description. It’s correct! Somehow Meta tags are becoming a thing of the past. But don't depend on this.

7. Using images for headlines is an attractive thing but when it comes to SEO you are ruining your web/blog in a long run.  So try modifying them in a style sheet or this.

8. Ignoring keywords in URL's is something that many people do. But just think, if you have keywords in the URLs this gives you additional advantage over your competitors. Keywords in URLs are very important MSN and YAHOO. Google, their relative weight is high. So there are no worries having keywords in URLs.

9. We all know that having more backlinks are always better in SEO. So because of this web masters go to things like link farms, forum spamming etc. but the hard truth is you could end up getting your site banned. So what you need is quality backlinks.

10.when you've written an article do some look back and check whether you're lacking your keywords for your content or not.

I Also recommend you to read Top 5 Mistakes in SEO which is similar to this.

Using Facebook for Generate Traffic

Nowadays many online marketers use facebook to market and drive traffic to their websites. This trend is very understandable because presently over 150 million people are a part of facebook. It's a big way to drive traffic to your website.


Talking about driving traffic, if you're in to some internet marketing about youth addictions like sports cars, games, sports you're going to get a huge traffic to your site via. Facebook because many people using facebook are young people.


So, How to promote your blog via Facebook? Enough talking lets get down to the business,


1. Creating a Group:

One of the greatest functions in the facebook is creating a group. It’s a very simple way and the good news is all the group members don't have to be your friends. You can invite any of them and anyone can join your group. It's a very effective way to promote your business.


2. Status Update:

This is a good way to update the latest news about your blog. (Maybe about a blogpost or something) the bad news is this only appears to your friends and only they can see them.

So if you're already using Facebook Sign In or If you're new to Facebook Sign Up

What is Search Engine Spider?

Well don't get confused or scared thinking that I’m going to write about that creature. But what I’m going to write about is the search engine spider that comes to your site as a virtual bot. It comes and crawls all over your site/blog content making its way through the links in your site. So basically it works as an inspector that inspects your blog and updates its content to the search engines.

What can the spider see?

Search engine spiders can only see your page source. They are blind for many extras like Flash, JavaScript, and Frames. It is worth to know what spiders like and what don't.

Feed the spider with what it need!

Flash, JavaScript and images are not visible to spiders. Frames are a real catastrophe in SEO rankings. They maybe great in web designing. A big mistake one could do is making a flash intro page. Try this Search Engine Spider Simulator to a page filled with flash and images and you will see that, to search engines the pages appears very much blank. So you can really know that they are not search engine favorites. But if you include an ALT tag in a picture. That will notify the search engine about the image. (But don't get caught to keyword stuffing with too much of this). Careful with optimization and over-optimization. Also you can use

Meta title is what reader sees in your browser's title bar when the page loads. As the spider see it. You must put a relevant Meta title.

Meta description is virtually invisible for the visitor. But it's very visible for the spider. Basically you must have a good targeted Meta description. It specify about your niche to the search engine.

Content: but at last but not least content is important than any of these. Even if you got the traffic thanks to the above things. New comer will never come back if your site's content is not relevant or not interesting. So above all consider most about your content.

Extra: Try this Keyword Playground tool to get analysis of your site regrading Keywords


Reasons why people dont leave Comments

I will ask you this directly, Do you leave comments on other people's blogs? Either your Answer is Yes or No or even maybe you must read this article by Liz at Successful-Blog. She has expressed 10 Reasons why Readers doesn't leave comments. Well I'm not hasitant to say some of these applies for my self even... :)

Join ONLINE PROFITS today!!!

If you're following the right sites you may already heard about Want to know what it is? It's the most complete Internet Marketing and Online Business Training Program that can make 2009, Your Best Year Ever.

The program mentors are the best in field. What more can you expect?

The program module is,

Module 1: Introduction and Business Principles

Module 2: Domain Names

Module 3: Setting Up Your Website

Module 4: WordPress

Module 5: Web Design for Entrepreneurs

Module 6: Business Models

Module 7: Selecting Your Niche

Module 8: Blogs

Module 9: Other Types of Websites

Module 10: Web Content and Copywriting

Module 11: Basic SEO

Module 12: Advanced SEO

Module 13: Generating Traffic

Module 14: Social Media

Module 15: Web Metrics

Module 16: Selling Advertising

Module 17: Email Marketing

Module 18: Affiliate Marketing

Module 19: PPC (Pay-per-Click)

Module 20: Landing Pages

Module 21: Selling Your Products

Think Outside The Box

The definition wikipedia gives for think outside the box is;

Is to think differently, unconventionally, from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking.

 If you’re onto blogging or anything, thinking outside the box is very important to get on to big heights. It will help you to stand out from the others and shine as gold

  • Thinking outside the box required few things.
  • Ability to take new perspectives to everyday work
  • Willingness to do different things and to do things differently
  • Listening to others
  • Supporting others and respecting other's ideas when they come up with good one's

For further reading, I recommend this site which is full of video tutorials 

Top 5 Mistakes in SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the method of making your site search-friendly. But when it comes to Search Engine Optimization, there are few common mistakes that people incline to make when starting to submit their sites for Search Engines.


1. Lack of targeted keywords

Keywords play the most important role in Search Engine optimization. When a searcher went to a Search Engine and type in a keyword that you like to be found and if your site doesn’t have these keywords, then the searcher will not find you.

2. Poor content

Good content is the key to higher rankings in Search Engines. Content is what the search engine spiders are looking for. But if your site or blog is badly written or never updating or not on the right track, it won't be search engine friendly. You must have great content for Google spiders to crawl on.

3. Black Hat SEO

Black Hat Search Engine Optimizations are the techniques that are prohibited by search engine spiders. They include Meta keyword stuffing, doorway or gateway pages, hidden content, and Meta keywords, link Farming and many more. But search engine spiders have become much aware of these techniques and these spiders can recognize these very easily and the sorry thing is they will be banning your site. So don’t go for the shortcut which is unclear and go for the long path. You can check your website and get a analysis of it for free here!

4. Using Meta Tags unconventionally

These Meta tags include title tags, keyword tags and description tags. Put all of them in every page of your site. And link them from other pages.

5. Bad Design

This includes lack of clear navigation, unclear design frames and also sites that get much more time to load. Spiders can block these sites that have bad design. 


So try to avoid these for a long run…

Simple Ways to Gain RSS Subscribers

Bloggers like to have more and more RSS readers. Just imagine when you wake up one day and see that your RSS subscriber count jumped by 300 or 400. Amazing right?

So what are the ways we can pull in more RSS subscribers to the site? Here I have written few ideas for you. Try these and see the results.

1. Have a big RSS button

What everyone are looking for is big one's remind that in mind. So if you use a little RSS icon, visitors may not find it. So make sure the icon is large but not overlarge.

2. Display it above the fold

Make sure that you display it above the fold. Many bloggers don’t scroll down to find the RSS feed. Remind that in mind.

3. Display the RSS in every page

Most of the people are not just subscribe to your blog. Some might read few articles, and if satisfied then looking for a RSS feed. So you must display the feed in every page.

4. Explain RSS

Not every reader is familiar with what the RSS feed is. So write a small but catchy little sentence explaining what the RSS is.

5. Offer email subscriptions

As I said before not every reader knows what the RSS feed is! Believe it or not it's about only 10%. So one thing you can do is using an email newsletter. Make it weekly or twice a month depending on your rate. But don’t overwhelm you reader by filling out his inbox. AWEBER gives you the opportunity for this service.

6. at the bottom of every post

As explain in 3rd point, some people want to subscribe after reading the post. So put some link to subscribe just after the end of the post.

7. Don’t jumble your RSS feed with ads.

People will unsubscribe it for sure

8. Animated RSS feed icon

People like things that are attractive. So if you use an attractive RSS icon, an animated one your RSS subscriptions will jump up over night.


If you have more ideas for this topic don't forget to put a comment and go...

Why You Must Join a Blog Network

There are many positives about joining a blog network as a Blogger. If I get to the points straight.


1. Relationships

if you ask bloggers who are in blog networks why are they in it, majority of them will say that they enjoyed being a part of something larger than there own Blogs and they got to know many bloggers in there same niche. Many blog networks have there own communicating systems like forums, emails, chat etc. so it's very easy to communicate with others and easy to share pros & cons.

2. Traffic

When I first started blogging it was very hard to find traffic at that time. In present even we have many ways to find traffic, joining a blog network is also a good way to drive in traffic. But you have to write good content. Many networks have ways of promoting Blogs via spotlighting top posts of that week etc.

3. Expertise

Not many bloggers have the experience in running successful blog. But if you join a blog network. These can handle many of the technical aspects like web design, SEO optimization, finding advertisers like that. This allows bloggers to simply just write. But remember you can't expect everything from the network.

4. SEO

One of the biggest plus point of being in a blog network is you can be linked to each other blog in the network. As you have many links to other web site from your site, the chance of ranking higher on the Search Engines gets higher.

5. Prestige

As the experience grows, if you can get writing for one of the biggest networks on the blog, you can put that to your advantage by building your own image.

6. Learning

If you are new to blogging, joining a blog network is a good learning material to get started. Because you can practice your own theory as you like.


These are only pros I have talked about in this post. But remember anything has its pros and cons.

Why to use Amazon Affiliate?

Amazon associate program is worth considering for some bloggers. Well it's not my primary income stream but by using it I earn good money. The reasons I recommend mason associate program are,

1. it’s a trusted brand

Just ask your self have you ever heard of Amazon? I’m sure 98% of you will say yes. The reason because it has been on the internet for a long time and have registered in people's mind as a trusted brand and it is a trustworthy.

2. Commissions

Today large numbers of people are buying things online. So someone went to Amazon through your site and purchase something you will get 4% for the referral. You stand a chance to grow this up to 7%. Sounds good haa!

3. People buy more than single item

As people wandering through Amazon there's a big chance that they going to buy few items than they first thought.

4. Variety of payment options

If you want they will pay you in cash and if you want they will pay you even in products.

5. Seasons are boom

The sales you're getting from Amazon gets so high in the Christmas and New Year season because more people buying items. So remind this in your self.


How Google Ranks Blogs

Different from most blog search engines, Google blog search ranks its results by relevance. You can customize it by clicking on "sort by date", but the default is useful if you want to find the most substantial blog posts.

But how does Google rank blog posts???

Positive signs

 Negative signs

Links from quality sites

Page rank

The number of feed readers

Clicks in search results

Links from mail, chats etc.


Posts added at a certain time

The size of repeat content

Using words that appear frequently in spam Blogs

Linking to a one web page

A large number of ads


We cleared that Google uses all kinds of factors to decide the popularity and the quality of a blog. But this doesn't mean less popular Blogs are dropped out if they have relevant content. But you should try to avoid the cons that may signal that the blog is spam.  

Write Your Most Popular Article Ever

One popular post can bring you more traffic and links than a months work on your usual method. 

Below points will you give you some sort of help to tackle this task. Read carefully and take it to your self.

1. Explore

Before starting to write explore similar stories that have published before. Try to get an idea from it and try to write better than that. 

2. Time is important than talent

You can improve or buy the talent. But you can't do anything to time. So what you have to do is invest more time in improving talent. 

3. Write the best

Write the best ideas on posts. Think different. Think about something that will get popular that others are not writing. Use the best ideas to express your self.

4. Headlines

People read title before reading the content. So you must write brainstorming title that inspires the reader to reader to read full article.

5. Add links

If people find your article interesting they will want to read similar stories about it. Add few links that they might want to read.

6. Research

Research what have worked before. Try to answer your self, why did they work kind of questions.

7. Criticism

Take criticism. They will inspire and force you to write more good content than before. Take criticism as a bonus.



Art of Writing Catchy


The more useful and catchy content a website has the more successful it will be. Because more people will want to visit it and also they will want to come back over again.


The more you read the more ideas and creativity you will get. Then you will find a way to stand out from the crowd.


A sentence should not contain unnecessary words and a paragraph, no unnecessary sentences. Don’t write just because you have to, you are not doing any good but damaging your image.


You must write on a topic that you are passionate about. Only then you will get an inspiration to write. If you have passion to write the ideas will float in to you.

5. Use images

When you are entering a new web page. The first thing you see is not the content, what you see is the images that have used there. Use out of the box images.

6. Keep it short and simple

Keep it short and simple as you are talking to the person next to you. Simple words can be easily understood by your reader and it's easy to pass the message.

7. Write

Write and keep writing something. The more you write the more you read and the more you read the more you gain ideas.

8. Unique

Making up your own style of doing things is uniqueness. Its' a good way to stand out from the crowd.

Boost your blog traffic! MUST READ!!!

The easiest way to give your blog a traffic boost is by submitting your web site URL's to search engines. You'll say the search engines will some how find my site even without submitting. But why not making it easy for search engines to get to know about your site, rather than waiting until they do?

Below links can submit your websites to the most popular search engines in the world.


P.S - Submitting your site to a Search Engine will not boost your web traffic by
overnight. It depends on your quality content.

Twitter What is it really?

Twitter has really grown up its popularity since its start in March 2006 as a side project in offices in the SoMA in CA. now all around the world; people follow twitter to follow the blogs on their same niche.

            To get the best from the twitter you can build a link on your blog and encourage your readers to follow you via twitter. On the other side you can shout about your latest post on twitter. So people who are following you can see you have posted a new one without even accessing your site. You can also update your facebook status from twitter. One thing you must avoid is overloading twitter with linking to every post that you write. It will frustrate your followers and sure they will turn away. I suggest you better pickup 1 post a day and post the link to the twitter. Another thing is posting variety of things. This will not bored your followers and you can come across more and more followers.

            If you are beginner to twitter, take your time and look what are things people are linking via twitter. Try to get a good look before kick starting. This will give you a good feeling and experience how twitter can be used. Search for few articles on Google about using twitter.

I recommend you to read "How to Use Twitter - Tips for Bloggers" by problogger.