What is Search Engine Spider?

Well don't get confused or scared thinking that I’m going to write about that creature. But what I’m going to write about is the search engine spider that comes to your site as a virtual bot. It comes and crawls all over your site/blog content making its way through the links in your site. So basically it works as an inspector that inspects your blog and updates its content to the search engines.

What can the spider see?

Search engine spiders can only see your page source. They are blind for many extras like Flash, JavaScript, and Frames. It is worth to know what spiders like and what don't.

Feed the spider with what it need!

Flash, JavaScript and images are not visible to spiders. Frames are a real catastrophe in SEO rankings. They maybe great in web designing. A big mistake one could do is making a flash intro page. Try this Search Engine Spider Simulator to a page filled with flash and images and you will see that, to search engines the pages appears very much blank. So you can really know that they are not search engine favorites. But if you include an ALT tag in a picture. That will notify the search engine about the image. (But don't get caught to keyword stuffing with too much of this). Careful with optimization and over-optimization. Also you can use

Meta title is what reader sees in your browser's title bar when the page loads. As the spider see it. You must put a relevant Meta title.

Meta description is virtually invisible for the visitor. But it's very visible for the spider. Basically you must have a good targeted Meta description. It specify about your niche to the search engine.

Content: but at last but not least content is important than any of these. Even if you got the traffic thanks to the above things. New comer will never come back if your site's content is not relevant or not interesting. So above all consider most about your content.

Extra: Try this Keyword Playground tool to get analysis of your site regrading Keywords


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