7 Ways to improve your traffic

1. Content

Your readers are like customers. They always look for new things. Having quality content that is updating frequently will keep your customers coming back and back.

2. Newsletters

These are like reminders. People always logging into their email so maintaining a newsletter will keep your readers updated. But don’t overload your subscriber’s inbox. Send it about once a week or so. 

3. Running contests

These get people involved in your site very much. Make it interesting and giveaway attractive prizes. Also don’t forget to include rules page.

4. Giveaway free items

Giving away free e-books has really worked for me in one of my websites. Not only e-books, there are so many things you can give away online with less budget. You can download free e-books here

5. Analytics

Use analytics software’s to track your traffic. Do some researches and find out what sources sends you more traffic and what people read the most on your site. I recommend Google Analytics.

6. Create links

Create links to other web sites on your niche. As they see your website link in there analytic software. They will do the same and will create links on there sites linking you.

7. Give your best

Focus on your niche and give the best ideas you have. Don’t stock it on your head. Express your self to the world.

Write Articles, Not Blog Posts

Recently I went through an amazing article named, Write Articles, Not Blog Posts. It's a bit long article but as I read it I got to know that even though it's long, It has many things to get not only for a beginner but for the professionals too.

So I invite all to read the article. by Jakob Nielsen

What is RSS?

Rich Site Summary is a format for deporting regularly changing web content. Nowadays news related sites, blog sites and many online marketers advertise or report their updating content via RSS feed. 

Advantages of using RSS

RSS feed allows you to easily stay informed by giving you the latest RSS news from the sites that you have subscribed. The advantage here is without going to the site you have the opportunity to see what's new on that site and read it.


If you want to use RSS reader you can register from any of these web based news readers. The most popular 10 Readers are,












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